Tuesday, 25th, 2025 | 12:42AM Updated

During solar eclipses, the Sun’s corona can be fairly visible.
Solar Eclipse Piques Interest of Team of Chinese Telescope Enthusiasts

Ren Xinmin
Ren Xinmin, Chinese Space Pioneer, Dies at 102

The new catfish species Oreoglanis hponkanensis discovered in Myanmar.
Chinese Scientists Discover a New Species of Catfish in Myanmar

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The braiding of Majorana zero modes is depicted here.
Chinese Scientists Discover Particles Similar to Majorana Fermions

China aims to further its status as a leader in airship research and development.
Chinese Scientists Developing Multipurpose Airships

Chinese scientists are reaching a breakthrough in shape-shifting metals.
Scientists in China Closer to Developing Shape-shifting Metal

The Water Cycle Observation Mission is expected to help in forecasting hydrological events such as drought.
By 2020: China Eyes to Launch Water Cycle Observation Mission

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