Friday, 21st, 2025 | 11:13AM Updated

Asteroid Lutetia
Chinese Scientists Explore the Possibility of Mining Asteroids

The new catfish species Oreoglanis hponkanensis discovered in Myanmar.
Chinese Scientists Discover a New Species of Catfish in Myanmar

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A piece of aerogel similar to the one developed by Chinese scientists.
Chinese Scientists Develop New Insulation Material for Spacecraft

A young cancer patient. A new research by Chinese scientists could potentially provide a cure for such and other diseases.
Chinese Scientists Uncover Potential Cure for Cancer, HIV, Hepa B

Chinese researchers will now get a sizeable profit from their breakthroughs.
China Urges More Innovation by Giving Scientists Half of Breakthrough Profits

China plans to mine the moon for its large deposits of Helium-3, a rare substance that can give enough power for 10,000 years and solve Earth's energy crisis.
China Unveils Plan to Mine the Moon for Helium-3

Qianlong No. 2 has completed exploration of areas that are rich in sulfide deposits and contain various metals. It also detected deep-sea terrain and photographed sulfide, basalt and marine organisms.
China's Unmanned Submersible Completes First Indian Ocean Exploration

Chinese scientists working on gravitational waves.
China Proposing Gravitational Wave Detection Plan for ESA Project

Effluent that causes water pollution has long been China's problem.
Scientists Develop Tech to Turn Potato Effluent into Fertilizer

An artist's rendering of what the environment around Pleiades star HD 23514 might look like as two planets collide.
Chinese Astronomers Give New Understanding on How Stars Form

Chinese scientists believe that gray wolves are the common ancestors of more than 400 dog breeds in the world today.
Chinese Study Reveals Dogs First Domesticated in East Asia

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