Sunday, 23rd, 2025 | 8:36PM Updated

A mother carries her son while the boy wears a Halloween mask at a shopping store in Wuhan, Hubei Province, Oct. 26, 2015.
China Unveils Plans to Boost Consumer Spending

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang is confident that the fundamentals of economy are on course to regain their strength.
Premier Li: Chinese Economy Regaining Strength

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Taiwan tech start-ups are courted by their government to help in fostering the island's economic growth.
To Boost Economic Growth, Taiwan Lures Tech Start-ups

China's central bank continues to cut interest rates and reserve ratio.
Eyeing Stronger Growth, China Cuts Interest Rate, Reserve Ratio

Premier Li Keqiang has been a staunch advocate of the Internet Plus strategy, which is expected to boost the Chinese economy.
China Could Keep Its 7-Percent Growth Rate: Premier Li Keqiang

Chinese and Indian leaders Xi Jinping and Narendra Modi eye to further strengthen the ties between the two emerging economies.
Strengthened China-Indian Ties Beneficial for Region, World

China is Germany's current biggest investor after pouring in support to 190 greenfield projects.
China Is Germany’s Biggest Investor, Official Report Says

Despite rapid growth in the country, China's yacht industry is finding it difficult to expand.
On a Standstill, China’s Yacht Industry Has Much Room for Growth

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang is confident that the fundamentals of economy are on course to regain their strength.
Li: Economic Growth Can Solve Social Issues

In Case You Missed It

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