Tuesday, 25th, 2025 | 7:04PM Updated

Antibacterial soaps
FDA Bans Common Chemicals used in Antibacterial Soaps sold in the United States

Dietary supplements.
Beware: Some Dietary Supplements Might Make you Sick -- or Kill You

Taking Temperature
Thermo, an accurate thermometer without touching skin receives FDA clearance

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The government is throwing support to China's traditional medicine industry.
Chinese Herbal Medicine for Flu Gets FDA Test Approval

The World Health Organization has only recommended one Chinese pharmaceutical company to export the drug abroad.
China Not Benefiting from Nobel-winning Anti-malarial Drug

pink viagra
FDA to Assess Again Viagra-like Pill for Women

Teens Now Favoring E-Cigarettes, Hookahs: FDA Sounds Warning

The Pfizer logo is seen at their world headquarters in New York
Pfizer’s Breast Cancer Drug 'Ibrance' Effective In Clinical Trial

In Case You Missed It

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