Sunday, 2nd, 2024 | 11:55PM Updated

China's central bank has started to implement financial reforms that included a new exchange rate system.
PBOC New Exchange Rate System Causes RMB Value to Nosedive

After recording an 8.9-percent slump in exports last July, China overhauled its exchange rate formation mechanism.
China to Stabilize Yuan for Reserve-Currency Status

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Supported by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa (BRICS), the bank will lend money to developing nations and will have a rotating leadership every five years.
Annual BRICS Meeting Lays Out Future Plans

U.S. media men agree that China can still be a great influencer over the next decade amid stock, currency and economic downtrends.
A Savior for Greece in the Form of the Rising Dragon in Asia

After recording an 8.9-percent slump in exports last July, China overhauled its exchange rate formation mechanism.
China’s Currency ‘No Longer Undervalued’: IMF

After recording an 8.9-percent slump in exports last July, China overhauled its exchange rate formation mechanism.
Rise in Offshore Yuan Centers Boosts Currency Transaction with China

Nanjing Road flanked by buildings and establishments that signify China's performing economy.
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