Friday, 21st, 2025 | 6:54AM Updated

Labeled as the Internet Plus policy, the new service delivery will cover various aspects of government work.
Civic Services Make Bold Step into the Future, Go Virtual, Cashless

China's Tencent ventures into
Internet Companies Take Center Stage in the Film Industry

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As the host of the Second World Internet Conference on Dec. 16, Wuzhen town in Zhejiang Province is in the spotlight.
Wuzhen Gets Smart with Second World Internet Conference

China was overtaken by Taiwan in terms of e-commerce penetration rate.
Internet to Improve Hand in Hand with Chinese Economy

Some of China's most successful businessmen are found in Ningbo, like William Ding, founder of NetEase, who has a net worth of 29 billion yuan ($4.6 billion).
Ningbo Businessmen Seeking More Innovators to Develop Internet Sector

The ACWF has been active in promoting women's empowerment.
ACWF Launches Mobile App to Help Chinese Women

The State Council steps up efforts to create a more favorable business environment.
Premier Li Urges for Stronger Advanced Manufacturing

In Case You Missed It

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