Sunday, 23rd, 2025 | 4:59PM Updated

Consumers distrust food sellers because of incidents of food poisoning.
Factories in Liaoning Raided, 6 Tons of Poisonous Food Seized

Wind turbines are seen at the Dagangzi Wind Farm on April 20, 2008, in Baicheng of Jilin Province, China.
China Cools Down on Wind Energy Technology

Three Dimensional (3 D Image Displays A Computerised Visualization Of A Human Heart
3D Heart Model Speeds Surgery of Chinese Baby in Jilin

In China, only GM cotton and papaya are allowed to be commercially cultivated.
Officials in Northeast China Vow to Crack Down on GM Grains

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Chinese authorities have caught a suspected spy in Jilin Province reportedly taking photos of military installations in the area.
Foreigner Suspected of Spying on Military Bases in Jilin Nabbed

The concentration of PM2.5 in Changchun, Jilin, reached 860 micrograms per cubic meter at 8 a.m. on Monday, Nov. 9.
Air Pollution Threatens China Anew

Chinese citizens in Jilin Province can now contact a hotline if they suspect espionage activities taking place.
Jilin Province Introduces Counter-espionage Hotline

Writer Zhong Xueling's new book on marriage and love has been released in Beijing.
Marriage Consultant Zhong Xueling Introduces New Book in Beijing

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