Tuesday, 18th, 2025 | 1:31PM Updated

The London Book Fair awards has 14 categories, and China was shortlisted in five of them.
China Wins Two Awards in London Book Fair

Traditionally, a bridesmaid’s job is to assist and accompany the bride throughout her big day. Now, some bridesmaids are made to perform unnecessary tasks for guests.
Rough Horseplay Drives Women from Becoming Bridesmaids

If Yixing wares were to be sold in the United Kingdom, they would attract a market of niche buyers, according to Rob Kesseler, a professor of ceramic art and design at Central Saint Martins College.
Yixing Ceramics Featured at London Exhibit

A regulation will be made to help foreign experts participate in national science and technology programs.
What Makes a Beijing Expat a 'Real' Beijing Expat

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By focusing on the present moment, mindfulness provides an escape to today’s fast-paced and modern world.
The Art of Mindfulness

Evidence indicating that the stolen Yangchun statue and the 1,000-year-old Buddha statue are one and the same has also been presented by the Fujian Administration of Cultural Heritage.
Yangchun Villagers and Dutchman Collector Row Over Buddha Statue

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