Saturday, 4th, 2025 | 12:45PM Updated

A low-angle self-portrait of NASA's Curiosity Mars rover shows the vehicle at the site from which it reached down to drill into a rock target
New Data From NASA Curiosity Rover Shows Ancient Rivers On Mars

An artist's depiction of the Earth Reliant, Proving Ground and Earth Independent thresholds, showing key capabilities that will be developed along the way.
NASA Reveals 3 Stage Plan for First Official Mission to Mars

A view from the
Mars Had Ancient Lakes for Billions of Years

Matt Damon stars in the upcoming movie
NASA Debunks ‘The Martian’ Dust Storm Facts

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Can you spot the spoon on Mars? This image was taken by Mastcam: Left (MAST_LEFT) onboard NASA's Mars rover Curiosity on Sol 1089 (2015-08-30 01:00:25 UTC).
Neuroscientist Explains Sighting Of Objects On Mars To Pareidolia

A pinkish white UFO was reportedly spotted by NASA.
NASA Space News: Are We Being Watched By UFO?

NASA Inspires Kids To Reach For The Stars

This Nakhla Martian meteorite apparently holds traces of opal that can lead to evidence of microbial life.
Opal Found On Meteorite Could Prove Ancient Life on Mars

This Nakhla Martian meteorite apparently holds traces of opal that can lead to evidence of microbial life.
Opal Found On Meteorite Could Prove Ancient Life on Mars

This illustration shows what a Prandtl-m might look like flying above the surface of Mars.
First Mars Airplane? NASA Develops the Prandtl-m

In Case You Missed It

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