Sunday, 30th, 2025 | 2:21AM Updated

A false color image of the planet Pluto uses a technique called principal component analysis to highlight the color differences between Pluto's distinct regions.
NASA's Latest News, Images Of Pluto Taken By LEISA, A 256 Pixel Cam

A close-up view of the rugged, icy mountains and flat ice plains on Pluto is seen in an image from NASA's New Horizons spacecraft taken July 14, 2015 and released Sept. 17, 2015.
Wonder Continues: Breathtaking Views of Pluto from NASA

NASA releases Pluto's blue skies and red water ice in new photos, Oct.8, 2015.
New Photos: NASA Releases Pluto's Blue Skies and Red Water Ice

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An artist's impression of NASA's New Horizons spacecraft encountering Pluto and its largest moon, Charon, is seen in this NASA image from July 2015.
NASA Unveils Latest Complicated Images Of Pluto From New Horizons

New Horizon
NASA Joins Conspiracy Theorists In Search For Planet X

New Horizons Probe May Receive Mission Extension Beyond Pluto

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NASA's New Horizons in Trouble: Could Create problems for Pluto Mission

The location of the New Horizons Ralph instrument, which detected methane on Pluto, is shown. The inset is a false color image of Pluto and Charon in infrared light; pink indicates methane on Pluto’s surface.
New Horizons Nearing Pluto; Detects Frozen Methane on Surface

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