Friday, 21st, 2025 | 8:29AM Updated

Chinese online users are getting scammed and some even get prank calls.
Internet Fraud Hits China; Security for Online Users Urged

The more the merrier: With almost everyone owning a smartphone, scammers are always on the hunt for new victims. (Above) Some train passengers in Shenzhen tinker with their phone on Aug. 23, 2016.
Preventing Telecoms Fraud, Securing Private Data Pose New Challenge

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The new law requires content to be published on servers found within China.
China and Hong Kong See Rise in Cybercrime: Survey

VTech, maker of children's electronic toys, is in the news.
VTech Hack Reveal Connected Toys Are Not Secure

With increasing online activity comes increasing online vulnerability from hackers.
Cybercriminals Prey on China’s Huge Online Population

AT&T recently changed its policy towards network throttling.
New Documents Reveal AT&T Helped NSA Perpetrate Massive Spying Operation

Edward Snowden
Edward Snowden Praises Apple iOS 8 Security Measures

For diplomat Wang Qun, it is high-time to establish an international code of conduct on cyberspace.
Over 1,000 Chinese University Websites Have Loopholes: Report

Qihoo launches a smartphone that comes only at a price of $64.
Qihoo 360 Denies Alleged Cheating in AV-C Evaluation Tests

In Case You Missed It

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