Thursday, 9th, 2025 | 7:58AM Updated

Various types of aerial drones.
US Developing ‘Hard-Kill’ Technologies to Destroy Aerial Drones En Masse

US Advisory Board Urges Military to Take Immediate Action against Enemy AI

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China eyes to be an aircraft carrier superpower.
China Takes Big Leap Toward Becoming an Aircraft Carrier Superpower

China is continuing reforms in its military as it sets up anti-corruption units in various military departments and commands.
Pentagon Report on Military Activity Sparks Outcry from China

Houston UFO
California ‘UFO’ Sighting Was Just Government Missile Tests

Pentagon revealed that a Chinese aircraft had performed an unsafe maneuver during an air intercept of an electronic intelligence-gathering aircraft.
U.S. Reveals Interception of Chinese Aircraft

Observers suggest that the appearance of the ships is a subtle reminder to the U.S. of World War II history since Japan bombed the Aleutian Island chain after Pearl Harbor.
Chinese Naval Warships Spotted Off the Coast of Alaska

In Case You Missed It

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