Tuesday, 25th, 2025 | 2:23AM Updated

The naval vessels are continually seen as a form of China's power display in the South China Sea region.
China Unveils the New M1 Amphibious Assault Ship

The PLA is boosting its maritime capability by commissioning world-class missile destroyers.
PLA to Deploy Five Type 094 Ballistic Missile Submarines

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An undated photo of a Y-8 patrol aircraft undergoing a test flight.
China’s North Sea Fleet Gets Y-8Q Anti-Submarine Patrol Craft

PLA Navy officers scatter flowers into the ocean to commemorate the First Sino-Japanese War, one of the historical events that has caused complicated relationships between Chinese and Japanese.
PLA Navy Micro Blog Slowly Gaining Viewers, Followers

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras smiles during his speech aboard the Chinese frigate Changbaishan.
Greece Commits to a Unified Future with China at Start of New Year

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