Friday, 21st, 2025 | 7:35AM Updated

China's Air Pollution Problem
UH Researcher Receives $52,000 Grant to Study China’s Air Pollution

China’s current barriers were placed for three reasons, according to Gao Xiang, spokesman of the administration.
Beijing Aims to Achieve Better Air Quality by 2030

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Since the red alert was sounded on Tuesday morning, the concentration of PM2.5 in Beijing was cut down by 10 percent.
Emergency Response Plans Help Reduce Pollution

Parents have gotten used to letting their children out despite Beijing's heavy pollution.
After Drastic Measures, Beijing Smog Clears Up

Thick fog and haze in Beijing and other northern cities are not a rare occurrence whenever winter approaches in the region.
Thick Smog and Haze Shroud Beijing

PM2.5 particles can enter a person's respiratory system and cause severe bodily harm.
Pollution at Eight Times WHO Safe Level

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