Sunday, 23rd, 2025 | 5:56PM Updated

Chen Dong, one of the two astronauts in the Tiangong-II, introduces the equipment used for the in-orbit ultrasonic inspection to test their cardio-pulmonary function, on Oct. 30, 2016.
Life in Space Captured on Tiangong-II

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Ye Guanfe (3rd from left) is among six potential astronauts chosen to undergo training in Sardinia under the European Space Agency (ESA).
Chinese Astronaut Re-emerges from ESA Cave Training Mission

File photo of the lauch of the Tiangong-1 space laboratory. China is using its own sun simulator to study the effects of solar radiation on spacecraft like this and help design better ones.
China's New Sun Simulator Helps Design Better Spacecraft

'No Man's Sky' will be officially released for the PS4 and PC on August 9.
Hello Games reveals ‘No Man’s Sky’ offical release date

A Long March 2F rocket lifts off on Sept. 29, 2011, in Jiuquan, Gansu Province of China. A more powerful version of the rocket, the Long March-7, successfully launched earlier this week.
NASA Should Not Remain Unperturbed After China Launches Long March-7: Analysts

A close-up view of the rugged, icy mountains and flat ice plains on Pluto is seen in an image from NASA's New Horizons spacecraft taken July 14, 2015 and released Sept. 17, 2015.
Wonder Continues: Breathtaking Views of Pluto from NASA

NASA releases Pluto's blue skies and red water ice in new photos, Oct.8, 2015.
New Photos: NASA Releases Pluto's Blue Skies and Red Water Ice

China needs a constellation of satellites for these deeper space explorations.
China Aims to Explore Space Deeper

In Case You Missed It

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