Monday, 24th, 2025 | 5:17PM Updated

The provincial health and family planning commission condemned the incident and called it a “severe violation of procedure.”
China Continues Promotion of Traditional Medicine to Fight HIV/AIDS

Researches explore the probability of some Chinese herbal medicines to be effective ingredients in making anticancer drugs.
More Than 50 Herbal Medicines Hold Possibility for Cancer Cure

Traditional Chinese medicine has developed rapidly in recent years.
Shandong Province Rehab to Use TCM to Treat Drug Addiction

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All the Tibetan medicine manufacturing companies cited by the regional health commission had Good Manufacturing Practices for Pharmaceutical Products certification.
Tibetan Medicine Gets $200 Million Sales in China

Tu Youyou's life is the subject of a new biography.
Nobel Prize Winner Tu Youyou Says Joint Efforts Are Needed to Fight Malaria

The World Health Organization has only recommended one Chinese pharmaceutical company to export the drug abroad.
China Not Benefiting from Nobel-winning Anti-malarial Drug

An estimated 50 million to 70 million people in China identify themselves as LGBT.
Many LGBT in China Still Forced into Treatment

Traditional Chinese medicine has developed rapidly in recent years.
TCM to Be Exported to the World

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