Wednesday, 26th, 2025 | 3:03PM Updated

A smartphone is being used to display the potentials of Li-Fi with the help of a LED bulb.
Goobye Wi-Fi, Hello 100x faster Li-Fi

Miniature Wi-Fi has Potential to make the Internet of Things Inescapable

Securing phone with password lock is not anything new; however, the latest flaw in Android edition phone is that it provides an easy access to hack phone passwords.
New password, sniffing method relies on rogue Wi-Fi networks

Free Wi-Fi
Christmas Lights Can Cause Wi-Fi Slow Down

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Li-Fi can deliver 100 times faster internet from lightbulbs
New "Li-Fi" Tecknology Could Deliver Fast Internet From A Lightbulb

British Gas Controversially Increases Its Energy Prices
Experts Say Wi-Fi Still Has Advantage Over Li-Fi

Li-Fi can deliver 100 times faster internet from lightbulbs
Li-Fi Offers 100 Times Faster Internet Speed

Karma announced a new unlimited data plan for only $50.
Karma Launches Unlimited Data Plan For $50

Mobile virtual network operators are having a hard time meeting analysts' forecast and expectations.
New Experiment Uses Wi-Fi Signals Can Charge Camera

Hotel Room
Hotel Wi-Fi Routers Can Make Guest Vulnerable To Hackers

In Case You Missed It

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