'Pokémon Z,' 'Pokémon Go' updates: Likely simultaneous release; More information about 'Pokémon Go' in upcoming GDC [VIDEO]

| Feb 04, 2016 02:48 AM EST


The Pokémon franchise fans are delighted to hear that the upcoming "Pokémon Go" and "Pokémon Z" may be released simultaneously. Meanwhile, game developer Niantic announced that they will give more information on "Pokémon Go" during their GDC.

The CEO of Niantic John Hanke will be giving more details about the upcoming "Pokémon Go," in addition to the way the company has developed the game to get would-be trainers into the outdoors, according to GDC official website via Gamespot.

For the past three years, Niantic Inc focused on defining the Real World gaming genre, relying on smartphones and tablets to link the digital world to the physical world.

The company's latest game "Pokémon Go" improves the challenge of real-world gaming design, taking a fan-favorite product and establishing its many brightly colored monsters loose across the world. The game incorporates a new Bluetooth wearable device developed by Nintendo.

On the other hand, there have been increased reports indicating that if the two games do not hit the market in Q1 2016, they may arrive sometime before the end of the year. It is unclear whether the rumors will turn out to be true. The only sure information concerning the two games so far is that Game Freak will handle their development.

The most recent CoroCoro magazine revealed some images of different forms of Zygarde, according to a report from Crossmap via Movie News Guide. The character under focus in the magazine is believed to be a combination of Yveltal from "Pokémon Y" and Xerneas from "Pokémon X." As a result, the character is believed to be very powerful to the extent that it will have five different forms.

"Pokémon Go" is a real world, real-time game, whereby gamers can capture Pokemons in the outdoors using Pokémon Go Plus optical device, which can be worn on the wrist.

"Pokémon Go" will be downloadable free on App Store and Google Play.

As opposed to "Pokémon Go," "Pokémon Z" is still at its development stage. "Pokémon Z" creators have remained mum about the progress of the game, which indicates that "Pokémon Z" might still be in the early stages.

Watch the video below for more information.   

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