'Final Fantasy XV' update: Square Enix to feature photo, 3D model, CG gallery modes; PC version coming soon, tickets for 'FFXV Uncovered' event sold out!

| Feb 09, 2016 03:30 AM EST

Final Fantasy XV is an action-RPG video game developed by Square Enix for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles.

The latest "Final Fantasy XV" details will showcase new game features, a possible PC in the works and tickets for the "Final Fantasy Uncovered" event sold out.

Square Enix announced that the special "FFXV" event called "Final Fantasy XV Uncovered" which will be held on the March 30 at the Shrine Auditorium in Los Angeles, California. The Japanese video game company added that they have already announced tickets for the event online last Feb. 5 around 4pm PT/7pm PT. Sadly, the tickets for the event were eventually sold out, Attack of the Fanboy reported.

For gamers who would like to see "Final Fantaxy XV Uncovered", "Final Fantasy XV's" official Twitter page tweeted that SquareE Enix will be streaming the event worldwide. The "Final Fantasy XV Uncovered" event will feature a new gameplay demo for the sequel, as well as the official announcements of its launch date for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles.

"Final Fantasy XV Uncovered" will be hosted by KindaFunny Games' Greg Miller and Tim Gettys, and the event will start around 7pm. The two hour event will reveal more details for "Final Fantasy XV" that have yet to be mentioned by Square Enix and gaming fans are eager to see what kind of surprise will they showcase in the event.

In other news, Square Enix added new game features for "Final Fantasy XV" which include a Photo mode, 3D model previews and a CG gallery mode.

The photo mode will feature Prompto taking photos of his friends in different locations. Square Enix stated that these photos are not full blown photographs, but it will be a way for the players to record memories for them to view and recollect them later in the game.

A special game mode will preview certain gameplay elements in a 3D model fashion. These include different characters, monsters, weapons and cuisines.

CG gallery mode will allow players to looked into several concept arts for "Final Fantasy XV". Square Enix has not fully confirmed if the feature will be added to the final product, but they are working on it in the meantime, Gameranx reported.

Square Enix announced that "Final Fantasy XV's" forum website will be closed due to creating a new blog website for the game. The new blog will be more accessible to Japanese gamers and will subsequently enable more participation.

It will launch on Feb. 12 and Square Enix might feature the new blog site in the United States soon.

It was reported that a PC version for "Final Fantasy XV" due to a leaked Javascript files containing the HTML code of "Final Fantasy XV Uncovered" referencing that the game could be available in Steam, PlayStation and Xbox stores. However, several gamers doubt the validity of the codes as it may contain several errors in it.

The PC version of the game has been long petitioned by gaming fans and several speculations claim that Square Enix could reveal it during the March event.

"Final Fantasy Xv" will launch sometime this year for the PS4 and Xbox One consoles.

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