‘Destiny’ update: ‘Destiny’ update enables ‘Damage Referee’ to Crucible players, offers matchmaking improvements; New 2016 DLC will finally release missing Exotic items?

| Mar 11, 2016 03:10 AM EST

Bungie has finally implemented new changes to its "Destiny" game.

Bungie has finally implemented new changes to its "Destiny" game.

To keep the excitement of game enthusiasts to Bungie's game title, the game developer rolled out numerous patches and update to its "Destiny" game. As a matter of fact, they have recently announced a new update for the shared-world shooter game (the game is an FPS that incorporates role playing and MMO but Bungie does not want the game to be tagged as Traditional MMO) "Destiny."

The new update for "Destiny" will introduce Crucible changes to its matchmaking processes.

On Tuesday, the American video game developer rolled out as a part of its weekly server reset, wherein the said changes was implemented to "Destiny's" multiplayer skill-based matchmaking. The changes to its matchmaking have long been requested by fans. It is said that the change to its controversial skill-based matchmaking will definitely benefit game enthusiasts as it'll be easier, faster and better in connecting online.

According to The BitBag, "Destiny" will now feature a matchmaking prioritizing connection quality and speed rather than basing it on skills. It is said that when Bungie added the skill-based matchmaking in December, it led many gamers to just play based on skill levels but not focusing on their network environments. Unfortunately, after the skill-based matchmaking launch, "Destiny's" community forums were blasted with negative feedback.

Since the forums were bombarded by irate gamers who are experiencing lags and connection issues, it now makes sense why the developer is prioritizing quality and speed on matchmaking over skill levels. This move by Bungie will make sure that gamers will now first focus on their connections, in which, in return, not only make the game faster, but it'll also provide gamers smooth gameplay experience.

Aside from "Destiny's" matchmaking algorithms, the new update will enable Crucible players of the game to use "Damage Referee."

On other news, another controversy is that many gamers are reportedly leaving "Destiny" game and switching over to Ubisoft's "The Division" because developers are too slow in releasing Exotic items to the game.

It is said that gamers slowly lost their interest in playing "Destiny" due to unreleased exotic items (even if it was on the official equipment directory in "Destiny: The Taken King" expansion) such as Dunemarchers, Thagomizers, Ophidian Aspect, Fr0st-EE5 and Shinobu's View, according to Planet Destiny. However, since Bungie announced that "Destiny" will have a larger expansion this year, it may be possible that all those missing exotic items will then be implemented.

Watch "Destiny: The Taken King" E3 reveal trailer below:

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