Xbox Two update: Xbox Two to support old games, new games and PC games; Will Microsoft come out on top with its upcoming Xbox Two?

| Mar 12, 2016 09:50 PM EST

Xbox Two is said to be the company's sweet revenge against the upcoming Sony PlayStation 4.5 NEO.

Microsoft official Phil Spencer recently mentioned the Xbox Two and hinted how it may work. Xbox Two is said to be the company's sweet revenge against the unstoppable Sony PlayStation 4.

Xbox One was overpowered by how PS4 is selling since its release, and up until today, Xbox One has never outrivaled PS4. However, Xbox Two and its newest vantage point may take a chance in pulling Microsoft up on top and outnumber Sony. According to Value Walk, as long as Microsoft is able to get the right position in marketing their latest innovation, it will surely make its own name in the market. Xbox Two should be able to give what their consumers truly want rather than convincing the consumers what they want.

Xbox Two is said to be somewhat the upgraded version of Xbox One but not to the effect where the latter's games are not compatible with the latest. Spencer said that the Universal Windows Platform that they are using will amazingly support both the old and new games. This means that Microsoft will not literally phase out Xbox One's games as they seem to only improve the experience using the Universal Windows Application in Xbox Two. Also, Microsoft aims to establish games that will work both on consoles and PCs. This could be their greatest advantage that software houses may grab because of the complicatedness in creating games separately for PC and consoles.

With Microsoft splitting hardware and software, there would be no guarantee if discarding the ethos of console generation will profit gamers. This may look as the right thing to do for Microsoft, even though there is no direct benefit to its consumers, but it may help their company outrival Sony. Microsoft will then be able to regularly throw in upgrades, which may shorten the typical waiting time for console upgrade releases.

Spencer also stated that Microsoft aims to establish complete gaming ecosystem using the Universal Windows Applications, which may be able to perform cross-platform gaming across Microsoft-made devices.

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