'Deadpool 2' rumors: Dolph Lundgren for the role of Cable in the sequel; Bryan Singer wants Wade Wilson in a 'X-Men' film crossover!

| May 19, 2016 05:10 AM EDT


The latest details for "Deadpool 2" will featrue a new actor to possibly play Cable and director Bryan Singer tease a possible crossover with the "X-Men" films.

The post credit scene in "Deadpool" teased that the next movie will feature Wade Wilson/Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) teaming up with the time travelling mutant Nathaniel Summers/Cable as Wade name dropped several actors that could possibly play him such as Mel Gibson, Dolph Lundgren and Keira Knightly.

"Avatar" star Stephen Lang tweeted that he wants to play Cable in "Deadpool 2", but now its seems that Lundgren has caught the attention of film as well. Lundgren previously played Frank Castle/The Punisher in the 1989 solo film and will likely try his luck as Cable in the sequel.

"The Expendables" actor told Nerdist that he is interested with the idea of playing Cable and kick some butt in "Deadpool 2" and described Cable as a mix of his previous roles Ivan Drago and Gunner Jensen. So far, it is not yet clear if Lundgren will be participating in "Deadpool 2" or that he would portray Cable.

Both Deadpool and Cable are popular to comic book fans due to their tandeem, having a serious and gruff character like Cable pairing himself up with a loud mouth mercenary like Wade Wilson and going through several misadventures.

In other news, "X-Men: Apocalypse" director Bryan Singer tease comic book fans about the possibility of seeing Deadpool working alongside the X-Men in future films.

Singer told Variety that in order to make this crossover work, they will have to take a character as irreverent and meta as Deadpool and connect him to something as grounded and serious as the X-Men. They have to do it carefully and gently as putting them together without proper planning could be a disaster.

Fox announced several spin-off movies for the "X-Men" film franchise such as "The New Mutants" and "X-Force", two teams which Deadpool has been featured upon. The first "Deadpool" film already featured two X-Men characters Colosus and Negasonic Teenaged Warhead and will likely feature more X-Men characters in rhe sequel or spin-offs soon.

"Deadpool 2's" release date is speculated to be on 2018 as Fox reserved the January 12 spot possibly placing the sequel there.

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