Sony PlayStation 4 Neo to support standard PS4; Console to offer 4K resolution!

| Jun 12, 2016 01:55 AM EDT

PlayStation 4K or PS4 Neo specs is a lot more powerful than the PS4.

Although Sony confirmed a new console is coming its way, the PlayStation 4 Neo will not be part of the unveiling in the upcoming E3 event. As confirmed by the company, the device is expected to be more powerful than its predecessor as it will feature 4K resolution that may help PlayStation VR games look better and will be a support to the standard PS4.

Some fans may find this as a bad news, but others hinted the announcement may be Sony's strategy in order to focus in developing the said console further. In the upcoming Sony conference on Monday, consumers will be deeply engulfed with their PS4 software and PlayStation VR that they may not even ask regarding the release date of Neo, Polygon reported. The report further said this will give Sony more flexibility.

While others may think the upgraded console will soon replace the standard PS4, Sony Interactive Entertainment President Andrew House clarified the PS4 Neo is intended to be compatible and to work with the standard version, Financial Times reported.

He also explained why their newest console will not be announced yet in E3, saying that they are taking their time to develop and enhance it in order to deliver a full range of best experiences of the new system. In the same interview, House also assured all PS4 games will remain compatible with both versions.

Other than these information, House did not anymore reveal specific details regarding PlayStation 4 Neo's price, release date, specifications and official name. It is expected the new console will be priced higher than the current PS4.

Meanwhile, other reports suggest one reason why the entertainment company is delaying its release of Neo. A report claims Sony may want to get first a preview of Microsoft's new console in order to compare it with PS4 Neo. Microsoft Xbox One Scorpio is expected to sport 6 teraflops of performance compared to the rumored 4.14 teraflops of the PS4 Neo.

More details are expected to be revealed in the coming months. To get an idea of PS4 Neo's rumored specifications, watch the short video clip below.

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