What advice would 'Game of Thrones' star Emilia Clarke give her younger self? Her answer may surprise you

| Jun 13, 2016 12:56 AM EDT

'Game of Thrones' star Emilia Clarke poses topless in new ‘Violet Grey’ photo shoot.

Emilia Clarke, 29, who stars as Daenerys Targaryen in HBO's "Game of Thrones," recently dished some major life advice about how she too struggles with insecurity and what advice she would say to her 18-year-old self.

In an exclusive video letter published by Teen Vogue, Clarke dishes out some advice that everyone can absolutely learn something from. Clarke may have been living out her dream, but she was just like all the girls who were watching her on television.

The "Game of Thrones'" actress revealed that she was, at a certain point, just an 18-year-old aspiring actress who did not get into the drama school. She then told little Emilia that she should never let someone tell her that she cannot do something and added, "The moment when someone says that's not possible - It is."

Clarke then opened up about how she still felt the same pressures every teenage girl deal with and told little Emilia that she is not as fat as she thinks she is. She continued on to discuss the pressure that has long plagued girls through their teenage years and beyond.

"There are some women who look some way and there are other women who look another way," Clarke added. "Like, a whole other way. And the way that the other women look, people love. Cause they look like women."

Still, Clarke told little Emelia that she is worth it despite other people who will make her feel that she is not, as she continued to discuss what it is like to endure heartbreak. She further advises everyone to appreciate the people who make them feel like they are worthy, by a simple gesture of hugging them every day. She ends her letter to 18-year-old self by saying, "Wear sunscreen."

The letter first circulated around the web in early April, but the original video on YouTube was taken down. Teen Vogue then posted it again on their official Facebook account on June 11, Saturday. As of this written work, the video drew around 1,385,443 views.

Meanwhile, Clarke currently stars as Louisa Lou Clark in the movie adaptation of Jojo Moyes' "Me Before You." The British-American film, which also stars actor Sam Claflin, was released on June 3 in the United States and has grossed over $55 million as of June 12, Sunday, Box Office Mojo reported.

In the video below, watch Clarke as she pondered aloud on what advice she had given to her 18-year-old self at that time:

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