Pokémon GO cheats, tips and tricks and guide: How tracking works? Ways to catch a Pokémon using 9X9 grid

| Jul 11, 2016 11:25 PM EDT

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The Pokémon GO has taken over folks this weekend as they try to ace the game and become a master. Here are few Pokémon GO tips and tricks to help you with tracking.

Pokémon GO tips and tricks: Guide to tracking

Tracking can be confusing and is not something easy to get 100% down. However, as they say - practice makes us perfect, well, almost perfect.

1.   Zero footprints would mean that you are on top of a wild Pokémon and one footprint would mean that you are close. Two footprints mean that you are somewhat close. However, the problem is with three footprints and there are different kinds of this and the game developers have not yet made it clear.

2.   When you spot a wild Pokémon in the three footprints zone take into consideration the order in the list. For instance, in a 9X9 grid, a Pokémon in the bottom right grid is the farthest and can move away soon. Meanwhile, the one in the top left grid is closest.

3.   According to Forbes, it is advised to keep the grid active to keep the Pokémon list on it. Next step would be to follow the Pokémon in the grid as you will be able see it moving from grid 1 to 9.

4.   To start, you can walk in any direction and as a Pokémon dips down in a slot it means something has become a part of the grid. A Pokémon dropping down in the slots means that in you are heading in the wrong direction and need to take 180-degree turn.

5.   In the new direction, you will see it tick up. If the Pokémon is not going past three spots and is dipping down as you walk, you need to go either right or left. Look where it was highest last time on the list. Pick right or left and head in the chosen direction. If it drops, go a complete 180 and start in the new direction.

6.   It is crucial to move out of the three footprints zone and be two footprints away from the Pokémon. Keep trying this technique and soon you will be in the one footprint category.

7.   Once you locate the Pokémon in catchable distance, bring out your finest Pokéballs to make sure that they don't run away. Even if they run away, keep trying as this is what the game Pokémon GO is all about.

Check out this diagram to catch a Pokémon in Pokémon GO.

Stay tuned for more Pokémon GO cheats, tips and tracks. 

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