'Marvel's The Avengers' sequels: Potential superhero additions to the current roster

| Aug 06, 2016 04:40 AM EDT

Thanos as seen in the "Guardians of the Galaxy", which will be the main antagonist of "Avengers: Infinity War".

The next sequels of Marvel's biggest film franchise, "The Avengers", might just bring in a whole lot of new interesting characters to the roster.

The next installments of the "Avengers" will be consisting of a storyline surrounding the mightiest enemy the superheroes have ever faced in the comics: Thanos himself. This storyline will already involve two films as both the third and fourth installment of the "Avengers" series, and little is known about the fourth yet.

With regards to "Avengers: Infinity War", it is rumored that it will be entirely different from the previous Avengers film "Age of Ultron". For one, this might just bring in a bunch of new additions to the Avengers ensemble and roster according to Cinema Blend, since the story is based on the "Infinity Gauntlet" arc, wherein Thanos has taken all the heroes by himself.

Part of the assumption is that the original Avengers line up will surely be present. That includes Captain America, Iron Man, Hulk, Scarlet Witch, and the rest of the current roster. It is presumed that the fourth installment will consist of a combination of something else, even more so than just The Avengers. Rumor is that they will team up with The Guardians of the Galaxy and many other groups in the comic universe.

There is a chance that some of the superheroes to be included in the lineup of the ensemble at the third installment are Spiderman, Doctor Strange, Black Panther, and Captain Marvel. While they have their own rate and chances of being part of the film, they are all likely to be included.

Doctor Strange appears to be the most likely to be a part of the "Infinity War" because it is assumed that he possesses an Infinity Stone. Albeit this possession is mere speculation, according to Creators, the timing of the upcoming "Doctor Strange" film could very well play a part as hype to these forthcoming films.

Seeing Benedict Cumberbatch, who will play as the hero in his own spin-off, together with Robert Downey Jr. and Chris Evans will be a huge treat to the fans. It might possibly be the biggest ensemble line up to be assembled for a single film.

Below is an interesting video as to how the teaser is broken down, and speculations are formed.

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