Eminem 2016 Album: Release still undetermined; Rap God is in the verge of bankruptcy?; Jay-z does not approve Eminem’s Rap God status?

| Aug 05, 2016 02:32 PM EDT

Speculations claim that the reason why Eminem's album hasn't gone out yet is the fact that he is currently experiencing some financial issues and could potentially be facing bankruptcy.

Eminem hasn't released any confirmation yet if he's really going to drop an album this year. Despite the rapper being mum about the topic, speculations claim that the reason why Eminem's album hasn't gone out yet is the fact that he is currently experiencing some financial issues and could potentially be facing bankruptcy.

According to Chattsportsnet, news about Eminem experiencing financial issues started when Forbes' Top 100 highest-paid celebrities for 2016 came out, and the rapper wasn't in the list anymore. A lot of people were suggesting that Eminem didn't earn as much this year because he hasn't released any album, and he was only seen in a couple of shows.

Furthermore, Forbes explained that the rapper didn't make the cut on the list this year because Eminem "only played 13 shows during our scoring period, but he sure made them count."

Contrary to the rumor that claims the rapper is facing bankruptcy, recent reports revealed that although Eminem didn't earn as much money as he did in 2015, his net worth is still around $190 million. With that said, if anyone is experiencing bankruptcy, it's pretty clear that Marshall Mathers is not one of them.

Other rumor suggest that Eminem hasn't dropped his album yet not because he's lacking funds, but rather after the release of his 2013 album "The Marshall Mathers LP 2," Eminem has been experiencing some trouble in creating new hits because of lack of inspiration.

In other news, since Eminem has been getting a lot of attention because of the mystery of his 2016 album, Jay-z recently gave out his opinion about it and it seems like Mr. Carter threw some shade to the Rap God.

According to Christian Today, Jay-z stated during an interview that he doesn't understand what's the fuzz is all about.  Mr. Carter pin pointed that Eminem was great during his time he has released award winning albums, but today, it seems like he has already lost his rap god status. Jay-z also thinks that a lot of fresh faced rappers deserve the attention and recognition that Eminem is getting.

Jay-z even said "He is probably the most overrated rapper of all-time, but he did really well targeting his audience. He is a genius in that sense, but in the bigger scheme of things, there are a million rappers who were and are lightyears ahead of him."

Up until this day, it is still not confirmed if Eminem would be releasing his album anytime soon.

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