'Suicide Squad' director explains why Adam Beach's Slipknot has no backstory

| Aug 15, 2016 02:07 PM EDT

Adam Beach attends the 'Suicide Squad' World Premiere at The Beacon Theatre on August 1, 2016 in New York City.

The "Suicide Squad" features an introduction of its individual squad characters, like Harley Quinn, Captain Boomerang and Deadshot. The introduction likewise includes a squad member Slipknot. The film's director David Ayer revealed, they filmed an introduction sequence for the character but for reasons of overcrowding and time, did not put it in the final theatrical cut.

"Yeah we shot one, but after a point it became overloaded, ya know, so you have to cull and pick and choose your battles," Ayer in the recent "The Empire Film" podcast. "Slipknot gets his head blown off pretty quick...when you have that many characters every frame of real estate is priceless."

Moviegoers are heading to the theaters to check all the chaos and the villains which the marketing of the Warner Bros and DC Films movie promised. Slipknot's less screen time and early death effectively raised the stakes that any villain could die anytime.

Without Slipknot's backstory, he became like a wallflower compared to other characters. It also made his death insignificant as the audience were not affected when his head was blown by Rick Flag, according to Cinemablend.

Bringing six bad people together and fight for a good cause is an interesting point. However, in the Warners Bros' movie, the characters do not do it out of their own free will. Amanda Waller (Viola Davis) implants a chip in each of them, which will blow off their heads off whenever they step out of line.

While casualties are expected in any mission, Slipknot ends his story quite fast. He was convinced by Captain Boomerang (Jai Courtney) to try breaking away from the squad and be free. Sans his introduction, his death did not give much impact.

While the likes of Deadshot and Harley Quinn can be the story's focus, the movie killed a character soon after the audience met him. The film's Blu-Ray/DVD version is expected to have many deleted scenes, which may give a room to Slipknot's backstory though the chance is not big. "Suicide Squad" has raked in $383 million worldwide on its second week of release, Comicbook reported.

Check on Slipknot's clip below.

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