'Pokémon Sun and Moon' latest news and update: Each getting their own version-exclusive Ultra Beast, time shift explained

| Sep 15, 2016 01:41 PM EDT

"Pokemon Sun and Moon" fans wearing Pikachu shaped sun visors celebrate the Pikachu Outbreak event hosted by the Pokemon Company.

'Pokémon Sun and Moon' will each get more Ultra Beast in addition to the previously revealed UB-01, as The Pokemon Company has just unveiled version-exclusive "beasts" for its upcoming pair of 3DS games. Ultra Beasts are said to mysterious impact that inhabit "Pokémon Sun & Moon 's" Alola region, but each game will have its own version exclusive beasts.

According to Nintendo, The Pokémon Company first announced Ultra Beasts last week in a new gameplay trailer, which also saw introduction of Pokémon Type: Null and Jangmo-o, a Pokémon research group called Aether Foundation, and the Alolan form of Raticate.

The new information about the highly anticipated games came from Redditor Dragon_Fang who clarified a couple of stuff about "Pokémon Sun and Moon" that may have confused some expectant players.

According to The Pokemon Company, announcement, UB-02 Absorption will only be available to Pokemon Sun whose "entire body has bulging, powerful muscles," and a "distinctively long mouth said to be harder than diamonds."

Following CoroCoro's leaked images of two new Ultra Beast and the evolved forms of new Pokémon Rockruff, more details about the two have emerged online to give fans a clear picture on what they can expect when "Pokémon Sun" and "Pokémon Moon" officially arrive this November.

While the trailer only displayed an animation of an Ultra Beast called UB-01, "Pokémon Sun & Moon" official English website described it as one with a body "composed of a glass-like substance," further saying that it is "constantly changing shapes and never settling on one." Also, UB-01 has a mysterious connection to Professor Kukui's personal assistant, young Lillie. It is worth noting that Lillie will greatly impact the Sun and Moon storyline.

Put the day and night cycle into consideration, Dragon_Fang explained that the idea that in "Pokémon Moon" it is always nighttime and daytime in "Pokémon Sun" is erroneous, for the games happen in similar worlds with only a time difference of 12 hours. However, it is not yet clear if this time shift entails that "Pokémon Moon" is 12 hours ahead or delayed 12 hours of the standard time in "Pokémon Sun" that occurs at the actual time in the real world.

It can be noted that in a post on the official "Pokémon Sun and Moon" website, The Pokémon Company confirmed the time difference. The Pokémon marketing company also announced in the post that titular Pokémon Lunala and Solgaleo hold the key to the story of the two worlds.

Up to date, details surrounding how each Ultra Beast's role will impact the games' story are still little. However, The Pokémon Company shared new details about the two newly discovered creatures, UB-02 Beauty and UB-02 Absorption, along with a trailer showcasing each as below;

UB-02 Beauty

UB-02 Beauty, only in Pokémon Moon, is said to be having long, slender legs capable of quickly dodging lightning strikes.

In addition, the UB-02 Beauty can emit a mysterious pheromone that can cause hypnosis. This beast strongly resembles Aether Foundation's female president, Lusamine.

UB-02 Absorption

On the other hand, UB-02 Absorption which is exclusive to Pokémon Sun, is an extremely muscular beast that can give a serious punch. It has powerful wings on its brawny back and a diamond-hard beak that can be used in war. While currently UB-02 Absorption does not resemble any of the games' characters, it is hard not to mistake it for looking like a mosquito on steroids.

Pokémon games have always been released in pairs, and it may not be apparent to the layman as to how each release is individualized. These version exclusives are the main reason why Pokémon fans fight over their loyalties to Blue or Red, Silver or Gold and so on, even to this day.

Choosing a game is a trying task, as one must take into account which title has the superior unique Pokémon, among other differences.

The two version, "Pokémon Sun" and "Pokémon Moon" will debut in Japan and North America on Nov. 18. Both games will be launched in Europe a few days later on Nov. 23.

Here is a video of the Ultra Beasts making their debut in "Pokémon Sun" and "Pokémon Moon!"

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