'Thor: Ragnarok' spoilers: Film director teased possible Doctor Strange cameo; Thor's roommate Darryl added to the sequel?

| Sep 20, 2016 04:20 AM EDT

Chris Hemsworth is Thor the god of thunder in Taika Waititi's "Thor: Ragnarok."

The latest details and spoilers for "Thor: Ragnarok" will feature a possible Doctor Strange cameo and Darryl added to the sequel.

Director Taika Waititi teased comic book fans regarding the possible cameo appearance of Doctor Stephen Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch) during the events of "Thor: Ragnarok". Previous reports revealed that several set photos of the film featured Thor (Chris Hemsworth) and his brother Loki (Tom Hiddletson) travelling to New York city as civilians.

One of these photos happens to feature Thor holding a note with a home address of 177A Bleecker St. The address is where Doctor Strange's home the Sanctum Sanctorum is found, hinting that both Asgardians will visit the Sorcerer Supreme for help.

Waititi told Digital Spy that he has no idea if Thor and Loki will visit Doctor Strange in "Thor: Ragnarok" and claim that it is just something for the fans to ponder about. He added that the Doctor Strange cameo could lead to something big in the film or to the next.

It is theorized that Thor and Loki's adventures in New York will lead to them to find their father Odin Allfather (Anthony Hopkins) as several bts photos sees him as a homeless old man. Thor and Loki must find him before the cycle of Ragnarok begins. The three Asgardians could not go home due to Hela's (Emily Blunt) doing, so they seek help from Doctor Strange to find another way back to Asgard.

In other news, Thor's roommate Darryl will likely make an appearance in "Thor:Ragnarok". Darryl is Thor's friend in the mockumentary film for"Captain America: Civil War" Blu-ray DVD, were in the God of Thunder spend time in Australia to get away from heroics and ends up meeting him and became his roomate/best friend, Screenrant reported.

Waititi teased that Darryl could be the little pieces of that "thing" that everyone saw that may just be a small part of a bigger thing. Could this mean that there is something about Darryl that the fans and viewers will soon find out in "Thor: Ragnarok" soon?

Thor in the third film must find an ancient weapon that could stop the cycle of Ragnarok from ever happening in Asgard. The ruler of Hel, Hela will be the main villain and Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson) will helping Thor in his journey.

The Mighty Avenger will also encounter the Grandmaster (Jeff Godlum) on a unknown planet as Thor will battle his fellow Avenger ally Hulk (Mark Ruffalo) in gladiator arena.

"Thor: Ragnarok" is scheduled to be release on Nov. 3, 2017.

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