Forget iCloud in macOS Sierra, About This Mac tool offers the best storage experience

| Sep 24, 2016 07:10 AM EDT

Apple launched public beta versions of iOS 10 and macOS Sierra, and added the Siri voice assistant to Macs.

MacOS Sierra new storage features are mostly underwhelming, but the About This Mac feature makes it easy to free up gigabytes of drive capacity without depending on Apple's algorithms. Most storage features for macOS Sierra rely on iCloud and they are chaotic. As part of the setup process, Sierra asks users if they want to store their documents and desktop on iCloud.

For those who use Mac for business, it is better to turn down the offer since they will never know when they need a file, and if Wi-Fi will be available to reach the file. Furthermore, several copies are the only way to protect important data.

It is better to use a backup service like Backblaze or a dedicated file sharing service such as Dropbox, to store files that the user wants to access from several devices, according to ZDnet. In addition, users should consider keeping a daily local backup, Time machine works, to make sure that data can survive multiple device failures.

Therefore, forget iCloud for now. As aforementioned, the best feature that saves on capacity is hidden in the "About This Mac" as opposed to System Preferences.

To access the feature, the user should click on the Apple menu in the top left hand corner of the screen, then About This Mac. A small window pops up, wherein the user should click on storage - a center option in the menu bar.

The next step is to click on the manage button. A window drops down with the name of the device, its capacity, and free space.

While the user can skip most of the options, the Empty Trash Automatically option is important. There are major folders in order of the capacity they use on the left side.

Clicking on one of the folders will allow users to select File Browser, locating big files. Move the cursor over the file and an option to either move it to trash or see it in a Finder Window will appear. This is a fast and efficient method to trim a bulging drive.

The feature is important because it replicates functionality used for years in the Omni Group free utility - OmniDiskSweeper. The Apple version benefits by following Omni's lead. Here is footage for more information on macOS Sierra features:

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