‘Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization’ reveals Japanese early access version

| Oct 20, 2016 12:49 PM EDT

Bandai Namco introduces their newest character for "Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization," Premiere.

Bandai Namco revealed the Japanese early access version of "Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization" recently. New characters have been introduced also by the game company.

According to the official website of the video game, the game company has given details on the βeater's Player Edition of the game. This will be available a week early to users who pre-order the game through the Japanese PlayStation Store.

Users who have pre-ordered the video game through the PlayStation Store in Japan will gain an early access to the game. They will gain one week of that early access and they can play a part of the main story.

For the story, early access players can play up to the battle against the boss of Stage 1. The total gameplay they can experience in this early access is about 10 to 15 hours of total play volume. They can also raise the levels of their characters to level 20, and that includes their NPCs.

Players can be weapon proficient until 200, but in the full version the limit is 1,000. Some skills will be unlocked too, but it will exclude the high-rank skills for now.

For Quests, players can play as often as they want within the extent of Stage 1, and they can gain a lot of materials. They can even fight powerful enemies like the evil god-class ones.

Trophies that are possible to acquire within the extent of what is available to play can be gained. They can also carry those over to the full game when it is released. AI NPC characters that die in this game will never be encountered ever again.

The game company said that to start up the early access, network certification is required. Players must be connected to the network to get certified. When players get into the early access, they will not receive bonuses for having the save data from the previous games, but they will get it in the full version. The early access will also not feature any multiplayer.

According to another post on the official website of "Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization," Bandai Namco has added two new characters, which are Yuuki and a mysterious NPC. Yuki is a remarkable Sword Skill user who is known as the Absolute Sword. The mysterious NPC looks exactly like Premiere, but she has a cruel expression.

Check out the "Sword Art Online: Hollow Realization" trailer video below:

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