Nintendo Switch will use game cartridges same as Nintendo 3DS, not old-school N64

| Oct 24, 2016 12:00 AM EDT

Nintendo Switch

Nintendo Switch has gotten gamers across the world excited for the new hybrid gaming console but specs are still a mystery except for the fact that it will be using cartridges again.

There have been several reports in the past few months regarding how the Nintendo NX or the Nintendo Switch will be using cartridges instead of optical discs and that seems to have come true. Unfortunately, it is not how what everyone thought as it will just be the same as the cartridges or game discs found on the Nintendo 3DS devices.

Nintendo Switch will be using a new version of their Game Cards that look like cartridges for the hybrid gaming console, Venture Beat has learned. The new version is needed considering that it would store large games such as "Skyrim Remastered" or the new "Legend of Zelda" video game.

The Japanese video game company has not yet revealed the final Nintendo Switch specs and features. However, the trailer did show a player inserting a game cartridge or disc inside the device instead of a disc.

Nintendo Switch Specs and Release Date

Earlier rumors have also claimed that the device will be powered by just an NVIDIA Tegra chip which means it will be inferior to even the old PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles. NVIDIA confirmed this by saying that the Nintendo Switch does indeed use a custom Tegra processor, Express.co.uk reported.

There are still differences which make the new gaming console more powerful than, say, the NVIDIA Shield devices that use the Tegra chips. NVIDIA said that they developed new gaming APIs plus libraries so that it can provide the much-needed horsepower for modern games.

Nintendo Switch tests and benchmarks have not been revealed yet. Although the trailer did show it running "Skyrim" which means it could probably be as powerful as a mid-range gaming PC.

Epic Games have also said that the Nintendo Switch will support Unreal Engine 4 which is not something light on the hardware. Users will just have to see for themselves as the Nintendo Switch is slated for a March 2017 release.

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