'Power Rangers' reboot rumors: Rita Repulsa to have her own Zord; Yellow Ranger's death teased, Tyrannosaurus Dinozord revealed!

| Nov 03, 2016 03:10 AM EDT

Power Rangers reboot is a joint production of both Saban and Lionsgate, which will be directed by Dean Israelite.

The latest details and spoilers for the "Power Rangers" reboot will feature Yellow Ranger's death, Rita Repulsa having her own Zord and a first look at the Tyrannosaurus Zord.

Several rumors are making rounds regarding a possible death of a character in the "Power Rangers" reboot film as the Twitter page of YVRShoots.com tweeted a photo of a funeral scene.

It is unknown as to who is the character who died in the film, but there are speculations and theories that one member of the Power Rangers will likely die at the hands of Rita Repulsa (Elizabeth Banks) and it all points to Trini/Yellow Ranger (Becky G). Becky G stated in an interview that reason for Rita targeting Trini is that Rita feels she is the "weak link" in the team, trying to win Trini in her side, Entertainment Weekly reported.

Rita Rita told Trini during the teaser trailer that she has killed Rangers before her, which supports the possibility that someone will die in the Power Rangers ranks.

Meanwhile, another rumors hints that Rita Repulsa's backstory as Reddit username The_AtomBomb theorized that Rita Repulsa is a former Ranger herself, more specifically the Green Ranger due to the striking similarities of her outfit to the five main Power Rangers.

The Reddit user added a photo of an edited version of the Pink Ranger costume to support the claim. Although there is no word from both Saban and Lionsgate about the theory, it does raised the question whether the film's version of the villain could be a former ranger and has been corrupted by evil somehow and fight Zordon (Brian Cranston).

ComicBook.com writer Lan Pitts also teased that Rita Repulsa will likely have her own Zord in the movie after mentioning that her outfit resembles that of a "dragon", thus hinting her zord could be the famed Dragonzord from the "Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers" TV series.

Lastly, the first image Jason/Red Ranger's (Dacre Montgomery) Tyrannosaurus Zord has been revealed in the "Power Rangers" reboot toyline. Like the TV series, the Zord looks similar to a Tyrannosaurus Rex albeit with alien like features and has three canons mounted on its arms and back, Screenrant reported.

The Tyrannosaurus Zord can combined with the four remaining zords, the Mastodon, Triceratops, Pteradactyl and Sabre Tooth Tiger to form the Megazord.

The "Power Rangers" reboot will be in cinemas on March 24, 2017.

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