'Street Fighter 5' rumors: Capcom to have more DLC support for the sequel until 2020; 'Tekken X Street Fighter' development to happen next year?

| Nov 29, 2016 05:30 AM EST

Street Fighter 5 is an upcoming fighting video game developed by Capcom for the PlayStation 4 and PC platform.

The latest details for "Street Fighter 5" will feature more game updates and the possibility of "Tekken X Street Fighter" in development soon.

Capcom announced that they will continue to have more DLC, update and support for "Street Fighter 5" as game creator Yoshinori Ono told Famitsu (via EventHubs) that they will initiate more plans for the sequel in the next one to two years and even in the year 2020 as far as their concern.

Co-producer Tomoaki Ayano added that "Street Fighter 5" is a title were in adding something new goes on along way, so he and Ono are working on it while planning ahead on the best way to develop the sequel even further than before.

Ono went on to discuss the chances that Capcom will be releasing a non-Street Fighter fighting game before the next entry in the game series. But before they do that, they will have to solidify "Street Fighter 5" as an eSports title.

Capcom believed that the more people participate, the bigger tournaments they can host, and the more people are going to watch them, which is directly connected with their sales and the future of "Street Fighter" franchise.

There arel already rumors of a next batch of DLC characters for "Street Fighter 5" such as C. Viper, Sagat, Sodom, Q, Rose, Abel and Oro. Akuma will be appearing in the sequel next month and a possible new character named Eisbahn is being teased in the game.

In other news, Bandai Namco will likely work on "Tekken X Street Fighter" after the launch of "Tekken 7" next year.

"Tekken" game producer Katsuhiro Harada stated that the success of "Tekken 7" will jumpstart "Tekken X Street Fighter" as Capcom has been making tremendous effort into making "Street Fighter 5" a success in the market.

"Tekken 7" on the other hand, has been very popular in the arcades, thus in a business perspective it will not be a good idea to announce "Tekken X Street Fighter" yet and may have to do it soon.

Bandai Namco stopped that development of "Tekken X Street Fighter" on April as Harada believed it may "fracture" the audiences of both "Tekken" and "Street Fighter" franchises.

Harada added that the gamers who are loyal to both "Street Fighter" and "Tekken" have been proved difficult for them to announce a release date window for "Tekken X Street Fighter", and so it was decided that the crossover will be put "on hold" for now, Attack of the Fanboy reported.

"Street Fighter 5" is currently available for the PlayStation 4 and PC platforms.

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