London: A March Towards Equality on International Women's Day

| Mar 08, 2015 11:01 PM EDT

International Women's Day in London

Hundreds of women have marched in London on International Women's Day to demand equality.

Among the celebrities who were leading the march were singers Annie Lenox and Paloma Faith, and "Made in Dagenham" actress Gemma Arterton.

Dr. Helen Pankhurst-the great-granddaughter of Suffragette leader Emmeline Pankhurst-also joined the march together with her 20-year-old daughter Laura.

The organizers said that there were at least 600 people who had taken part in the said event.

The crowd marched from near City Hall and headed for the Royal Festival Hall. Some of them are dressed in the style of Suffragettes.

Protesters held banners with slogans demanding for equal representation of men and women in the parliament.

Faith told the crowd that her mother being at the march is more of an achievement than her recent award for best British female solo artist at the Brit awards.

According to The Guardian, Faith then told the reporters: "It goes to show how important it is that women stand together and fight for each other's rights." She told the people gathered outside the Royal Hall that any one of the women in the march could be one of the women in a far-off land suffering from the injustices in the society.

The 33-year-old added that her mother was a child of the sixties and was one of the people who burned their bra and sworn a pact to herself never to be oppressed by a man in her life.

"She has brought me up with those beliefs, so this is way more important to her than anything."

The singer then added that she would have liked to see more men join the march, saying that everyone has to acknowledge that women's rights are human rights and it would be really good to see men and women go hand in hand on such things since we are all humans.

Pankhurst on the other hand said that the most important issues women are facing are gender violence and the lack of females in power. According to BBC News, Pankhurst added that it is very important to value and honor the continuity of the past due to the fact that there is still so much to be done both locally and internationally.

The 50-year-old stated that the statistics on sexism through to violence of the most appalling type are still just awful. She said that more women are needed on the boards, in parliament, and especially in all spheres of life to let the whole world see that leadership with women involved in equal amounts will make the world a better place.

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