'Game of Thrones' Season 7 hard to shoot, Iron Throne completely up for grabs?

| Dec 27, 2016 01:12 AM EST

The cast and crew of 'Game of Thrones' pose for a photograph after the show was named the Best Drama Series at 68th Annual Primetime Emmy Awards.

"Game of Thrones" is one of the most watched television series of all time. It does not hurt that the books that tie up with the show are top notch as well. However, not everything flows smoothly when making an episode of this pop culture phenomenon.

John Bradley, the actor who plays Samwell Tarly, recently discussed "Game of Thrones" in an interview with Digital Spy. When he talked about how everything will come full circle for fans once the show finally comes to its conclusion, he said that the question of what the show is actually all about can only be answered then.

Bradley even goes as far as saying that the actors themselves have next to no clue how the race for the Iron Throne will conclude, The actor told the publication, "We don't know if it's an indictment of how bad people can triumph if good men do nothing, or a redemptive story about good triumphing over evil. We just don't know, so that mystery has fed in to everything we've done so far."  

With all of its twists and turns, there are definitely a lot of directions "Game of Thrones" can take for its final story arc, according to Cinema Blend. Adding to the mystery is how the show's seventh season only consists of 7 episodes instead of the usual 10, and how the characters will develop in the most off-the-book season to date.

Fans will react differently to whoever takes over the kingdom of Westeros, for example. The impact of the show's finale will definitely linger in a different manner if a Lannister takes the throne instead of, say, Jon Snow or Daenerys Targaryen. The show runners for "Game of Thrones" should definitely make this decision, among others, with extra careful thought.

It is also important to note that the release date of Season 7 has been pushed back to allow the cast and crew to shoot during the winter season. The current release date for the premiere of this season is currently the summer next year barring any hiccups during production.

Watch a teaser for "Game of Thrones" Season 7 here:


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