Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey considers edit button

| Jan 03, 2017 05:43 AM EST

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After years of Twitter users demanding for the service to add an edit button, it looks like Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey is finally listening. Dorsey, who thought of the idea that eventually led to Twitter back in his college years in New York University, seems to be joining the chorus of voices that support an "Edit Tweet" option for the social media application.

When asked by Dorsey about which feature they want on Twitter this year, many users responded that they would love it if an edit tweet, the Detroit Free Press reported. When told by @cloleaf about tweet editing, Dorsey asked if users would rather have a 5-minute window to edit or would they want the editing to be anytime.

The requests for an edit tweet button have been growing since the time Twitter first went online in the previous decade. Twitter's main rival in social media dominance, Facebook and Instagram, has implemented an editing option for its content long ago. Dorsey's statement, however, is not an assurance that Twitter will implement the feature. The company itself has not issued any statement about the rumored new feature.

This Twitter CEO's recent statements come a few days after it rolled out its live 360 video feature. The San Francisco-based tech giant is rather late to the party as Facebook and Youtube already joined the trend last year, Engadget reported. Just like the live 360 feature of Facebook, Twitter's offers the chance for the user to swipe the screen while the video is playing. The live 360 video service will also be rolled out to Periscope users though not everyone will get it immediately.

Yibada English will be posting more about the possibility of Twitter adding an edit button and updates on the live 360 video in the coming weeks. Do you think it is high time for Twitter to finally integrate an edit button to its posts? Will this make Twitter an even stronger player in the social media race? Let us know in the comments section of Yibada English. Meanwhile, watch the teaser for Twitter's Go Live feature in the video below.

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