'Spider-Man' PS4 news: Insomniac Games respond to leak plot details; Green Goblin to be the main villain?

| Jan 05, 2017 01:30 AM EST

Sony and Marvel announced a new Spider-Man video game during E3 2016 developed by Insomniac Games for the PlayStation 4.

The latest details for the new "Spider-Man" PS4 game will feature clarification on the leaked plot and Green Goblin as the main villain.

Several rumors are making rounds regarding a leaked plot details of the new "Spider-Man" video game for the PlayStation 4 as an IMDB listing claims that Spider-Man will be facing the Green Goblin in the game as he struggles to balance his life as crime-fighting hero and his time his wife and daughter, WCCFTech reported.

Many comic book and gaming fans believed that the new "Spider-Man" game has some connection to "The Amazing Spider-Man Renew Your Vows" comic story were in Peter Parker is married to Mary Jane Watson and had a daughter named Annie Parker, who like her dad has spider-like powers.

While the plot of the game seems relevant to some at first, the game's developer Insomniac Games took response on the rumored plot details of "Spider-Man" and clarified things by tweeting that the IMDB page is like "Wikipedia" as anyone can add something into it, and gamers will here the plot of the game from developers themselves, thus confirming that the plot could be fake.

Despite the fake plot details, it is still a possibility that Green Goblin could be part of the game as Oscorp was spotted in the first "Spider-Man" PS4 trailer back in E3 2016.

Other Spidey charecters that gaming and comic book fans want to see in the "Spider-Man" PS4 game include Spot, Mister Negative, The Tinkerer, Alistair Smythe the Spider-Slayer, The Jackal, J. Jonah Jameson, Massacre, The Vulture and The Inheritors.

One villain the "Spider-Man" PS4 game could be showing up is Mister Negative as his thugs were featured in the first trailer citing the trademark mask that his gang is known for, The BitBag reported.

Mister Negative is one villains of Spider-Man in the comics who has the ability change his appearance that resembles a photographic negative giving him super strength, can corrupt everyone by touching them and even cure them of their illness.

The plot of the "Spider-Man" PS4 game will be a standalone story and will feature a more experienced Peter Parker/Spider-Man, which will not tie in to the "Homecoming" film by Marvel Studios. Creative director Bill Rosemann added that the plot will have full of mysteries as there is a story behind everything, delving deeper into the web-slinger's world. The game will have a huge open-world gameplay in New York as Spidey utilizes his web swinging and amazing parkour skills to move around and fight criminals on a daily basis.

Sony and Marvel has not yet announced a release date of "Spider-Man" for the PS4.

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