Stephen Colbert Doesn't Know Eminem, Asks Detroit Rapper Not To Hide His 'Cute' Face [VIDEO]

| Jul 03, 2015 12:45 AM EDT

Born Marshall Bruce Mathers III, Eminem is a Grammy-winning Detroit rapper.

Someone apparently is not aware of the Detroit rapper Eminem, 42, and he happens to be the television chat show host Stephen Colbert, 51.

Conbert got a chance to interview the rapper for a local television show "Only in Monroe," and pretended that he did not know who Eminem was. Colbert announced the arrival of the rapper on his show by his real name Marshal Mathers and stuck to calling the rapper by the same name throughout the interview.

To give a comic twist to the whole interview, Eminem also cooperated and appeared funny. He was dressed in casual attire and wore his hooded grey jacket to cover his head in a typical rap-artist style. Colbert took this opportunity to embarrass the rapper by telling him that he has a "cute" face and he should not hide it.

During the entire interview, Colbert remained oblivious to Eminem's popularity as a rapper and kept asking him questions on his favorite rock and roll songs. The rapper played a sport and even guessed some of the answers right. At one point during the interview, Colbert even asked whether Eminem is planning to make a career being a rapper.

Colbert, who will start his run as "The Late Show" host on Sept. 8, finally realized who Eminem was and called him "the dude who did the thing with Elton John at the Grammys." Colbert even expressed his concern about the use of "F words" in Eminem's songs but the rapper told him not to worry about the same as he is "pretty clean."

Prior to the interview with Colbert, Eminem was also interviewed by Apple Music's Zane Lowe, MTV reported. The rapper talked about the music he wrote for "Southpaw," a movie scheduled to hit theaters July 24. Meanwhile, check out the video of Eminem's eccentric interview with Colbert below.  

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