'Crimson Peak' Movie: Tom Hiddleston Promises 'Freaky And Romantic' Intimate Scenes

| Jul 31, 2015 04:18 AM EDT

Tom Hiddleston

Guillermo del Toro’s “Crimson Peak” movie may be scheduled for release several months from now but fans have already started to wonder about the kinky gothic movie’s plot. Lead actor Tom Hiddleston hinted that the movie is both freaky and romantic.

In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, del Toro described "Crimson Peak" as the creepiest story he has done so far. He revealed that he has been working non-stop on the film for the past six months.

The director revealed that the gothic romance movie has been very demanding when it comes to set and production design. He revealed that they opted to build a three-and-a-half story haunted house in the middle of a set rather than depend on CGI alone.

Del Toro also shared that "Crimson Peak" is the first sexual film that he has ever done. The director held that he was not worried when it comes to the movie treatment, saying that in the end it is just like any other romantic films except for all the gory details.

When asked why it took him quite some time to explore the gothic romance genre, he revealed that he was waiting for the perfect story to come along. Del Toro added that he wanted a movie that centers on a strong female character.

Meanwhile, speaking to MTV, Hiddleston described the sex scenes in "Crimson Peak" as sexy and freaky at the same time. He said that given the film's gothic romance theme, it is inevitable that there will be a lot of kinky intimate scenes between the lead actors.

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