Teen Saved By Apple Watch Gets Internship Offer, iPhone From Tim Cook

| Sep 23, 2015 03:57 AM EDT

The new Apple Watch is pictured during an Apple event at the Flint Center

The best endorsers of products are not celebrities who are just paid large sums to promote it. The better endorsers are ordinary consumers who spend hard-earned money to buy these goods and benefit from it.

Apparently, Apple CEO Tim Cook believes in that also because he just offered a summer internship and a new iPhone to a teen who shared with CBS how Apple Watch saved his life. CBS reports that Paul Houle, a student in Massachusetts, experienced chest and back pain after a football practice at school on Sept. 8.

"I didn't think much of it. I thought I was just sore and I would feel better the next day," he narrates.

When he checked his Apple Watch the following day, it said Paul's heart rate was 145 for two hours. With this information, the teen went to the hospital with his trainer where he was diagnosed with rhabdomyolysis, a medical condition caused by exercise which causes muscles to deteriorate and seep proteins.

Paul shares that because he was so dehydrated, his muscles began to break down and release a very toxic protein into his blood stream. This, in turn, caused failure of his heart, liver and kidneys.

The 17-year-old high school senior from Tabor Academy in Cape Code just purchased in early September the Apple Watch from his summer job salary, reports ABC.

Appleinsider reports that when Cook learned about Paul's situation, he called the teen to offer him internship with the Cupertino-based tech giant and the company's flagship device.

After all, Paul would be a very good endorser of Apple Watch which is reportedly not selling as fast compared to Apple's iPhones. 

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