Whoopi Goldberg Gives Thumbs Up To Marital Cheating In New Book

| Oct 13, 2015 11:38 PM EDT

Whoopi Goldberg

Comedian Whoopi Goldberg just released on Tuesday a new book where she shares her thoughts on cheating while in a relationship and other controversial topics.

While the actress, who was married three times and is divorced, is not looking forward to enter into a relationship, she approves of extramarital sex. Goldberg explains in "If Someone Says 'You Complete Me,' Run!," "Sometimes in a relationship, people can't always get what they need, and if you have reputable people you can turn to in order to get what you need, I say go for it. It is a whole lot better than being frustrated and angry at the person you love."

She finds nothing wrong with casual sex "because sometimes you just want to hit it and run." Her benchmark in giving in to such as "booty call" is actor Jean-Paul Belmondo.

Though open to intimacy via casual sex, the "Sister Act" star does not recommend sharing everything at once with people. She gives a timetable of three to four years to getting to know a person better before telling that person "things you are the most afraid to someone finding out."

The actress is in favor of prenups which she considers an act of love. A person, after signing a prenup, should stick with his partner for the right reason, which removes the fear that separating would result in losing one's money in alimony or separation of properties.

In a backstage chat with USA Today after "The View, Goldberg's daytime talk show, the comedian elaborates, "I think a lot of what is wrong in relationships, a lot of the reasons we have divorce in the world, is because people get into relationships for the wrong reasons."

She adds a man or woman must be a complete person before starting a relationship and disses love songs and movies - like "Ghost" in 1990 which she was a part of - that make people believe Prince or Princess Charming is coming to make life perfect.

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