'Star Wars: Battlefront' Update: 3 Characters With Special Abilities, Exciting Game Modes Added

| Oct 21, 2015 09:05 PM EDT

"Star Wars Battlefront" DLC pass seemingly offers a lot of content for the price.

EA Digital Illusions Creative Entertainment (EA DICE) has revealed the heroes for “Star Wars: Battlefront,” along with hints about their special abilities for fighting and three game modes.

Han Solo, Princess Leia, and Emperor Palpatine are among the playable characters for the upcoming “Star Wars” game, Gamespot reported.

Princess Leia is the trickiest playable character as she does not have a specific weapon for the battle, suggesting the she could be the leader among them. She is a support play, buffing team members, and holding positions. Princess Leia will possess a unique offensive ability called Trooper Bane.

Han "The Man" Solo is a lone-wolf gunslinger type of playable character, focusing on offensive output, damage, and mobility. He owns three special combat abilities, comprising Solo-sounding Lucky Shot and Shoulder Charge that allows him to run toward, through, and/or away from fights as the situation dictates.

Last is Emperor Palpatine, the Imperial Big Nasty. He can bring the serious Force powers to bear, including Force Lightning and the more powerful area-effect ability Chain Lightning, and is also the Empire's support character. For distributing power-ups to fellow Imperials and boost the health of other villains, he uses the Imperial Resources ability.

EA DICE revealed three new game modes. These are Heroes vs. Villains, Battles, and Training Missions, according to TechnoBuffalo.

First up is Heroes vs. Villains that pits three hero characters against three villains. The rest of the characters will be composed of Rebel or Imperial troopers. The player respawns as a standard soldier for their side whether a hero or villain character was killed. The goal of this mode is to either kill all hero or villain characters or have the highest number of hero or villain characters alive at the end of each of the three rounds.

Battles, on the other hand, lets the gamer play against a side of AI-controlled enemies or against another human character. The 1v1 match can be between another human, or two humans fighting alongside AI enemies that also fight against each other. The goal is to collect "tokens" each time enemies fall, first to make 100 points wins.

Last mode is the Training Missions designed to help newcomers get up to speed the game's mechanics. It is composed of five Training Missions in all, and tutorial called Probe Droids. Among the five missions include Beggar's Canyon Training Mission and Empire-focused Training Missions.

“Star Wars: Battlefront” is slated to launch on Nov. 19 on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.

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