'Rise Of The Tomb Raider' Update: Sequel's Season Pass, DLC, Extra Game Modes Revealed; New Gameplay Trailer Features Lara Croft Exploring New Tombs [VIDEO]

| Oct 23, 2015 05:40 AM EDT

Rise of The Tomb Raider is an action-adventure video game developed by Crystal Dynamics and by Microsoft Studios and Square Enix.

The latest "Rise of the Tomb Raider" updates will feature a new gameplay trailer, season passes, DLC and extra game modes.

The sequel's publishers Square Enix and Microsoft revealed the possible season pass details for "Rise of the Tomb Raider" due to a leaked listing from Amazon. The season pass was said to cost around $29.99 and will only be focused on single player gameplay, International Business Times reported. Microsoft also teased a possibility of a multiplayer gameplay due to the description they have made that players can compete against friends.

Gamers are also urged to stand by for further updates regarding the season pass details for "Rise of the Tomb Raider" upon its initial launch date next month.

Aside from the season pass, Microsoft added new game modes and DLC for "Rise of the Tomb Raider". Three game modes were added the first being the Endurance Mode were in players must survive extreme conditions in the game. "Baba Yaga: The Temple of the Witch" is new storyline that lets players explore a haunted tomb and "Cold Darkness Awakens" will have players fight off hordes of infected predators.

The DLC for the game includes a stream of outfits, weapons and Expedition Cards. Expedition Cards can be found within the game or purchased online as these cards can be used to unlock certain items or enhanced Lara's items, weapons and stats in the game.

In other news, a new 27 minute gameplay video features Lara Croft exploring and surviving mountains and tombs, Gamerant reported.

The gameplay video starts with Lara and her friend Jonah climbing a huge mountain in Siberia to find a hidden temple within the mountains. Gamers will have intensive time climbing slippery sloops and dangerous cliffs on the snowy mountains. Luckily, Lara is prepared for everything as she as has a pair of mountain pikes for to keep her steady when climbing. Upon reaching the temple, both Lara and Jonah stumble upon a dangerous storm as they try to escape.

The second part of the gameplay shifts back two weeks earlier as Lara goes to an apartment containing all of her father's research. She then embarks on a journey to find a hidden tomb in Syria, but was attack by an enemy chopper. She then arrived at the tomb and begun exploring the area proving that her father's research on the immortal being is not just a myth. As Lara explore further into the ruins, the game's primary antagonist, Trinity arrived at the tomb and Lara must find the answers quickly before they do.

"Rise of the Tomb Raider" will release first in the Xbox 360 and Xbox One consoles on November 10 in the United States and November 19 in Europe. The PlayStation 4 and PC version of the game will launch sometime in 2016.

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