Blizzard Offers a New Battle.net Voice Chat System; To Be Part Of Steam [VIDEO]

| Oct 26, 2015 11:29 PM EDT

Multiplayer online role-playing game 'World Of Warcraft' at the Blizzard Entertainment stand at the Gamescom 2015.

Among the many interesting changes that Blizzard Entertainment has ever done with "Hearthstone" that affects how the people ordinarily make some competitive games include the removal of nearly all communications. Typing and voice chat were not available, only a few pre-chosen phrases that permitted a small amount of to and from.

As Blizzard is currently set to bring a system of voice-chat to the whole ecosystem of Battle.net, the entire family and friends will now be able to enjoy playing together with no need to use the services of a third party.

Initially believed to be included only on Blizzard's forthcoming Overwatch shooter, this voice chat feature is seemingly ready to become the fundamental part of the platform of Battle.net, much like becoming part of the Steam, including other services, Battle reported.

Although this has actually been confirmed for Overwatch, there was an FAQ entry as well in a blog announcement which asks if Voice Chat is going to be supported in some Blizzard games.

This announcement has led a lot of fans to start asking for it in the Blizzard title. The quick-paced MOBA title, "Heroes of the Storm" is among those which the fans would prefer to have this type of functionality in, either for coordinating a tactic with others who are formerly not known to some players or for making parties, Sports New Break reported. One made a comment and brought up a very interesting point: that if enabled, the players would want to have the access to turn off the voice chat and make them appear offline to some people and to play on their terms.

Some have also asked for features such as the mute function intended for single player, as it's quite sure that a voice chat feature is going to be abused by any vocal minority.

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