'Thor 3' Spoilers: Chris Hemsworth Tease Winner For Thor Vs Hulk Fight; Amora The Enchantress Could Be The Main Villain In 'Ragnarok' Likely? [VIDEOS]

| Dec 04, 2015 12:12 AM EST

Thor: Ragnarok is third installment of the Thor movies as part of Phase 3 in the Marvel Cinematic Universe produced by Kevin Feige and Marvel Studios

"Thor: Ragnarok" will feature a winner in the Thor vs Hulk battle and Amora the Enchantress the next big villain in the film.

"In the Heart of the Sea" star Chris Hemsworth teased the possible winner between his character Thor Odinson and Bruce Banner/The Incredible Hulk (Mark Ruffalo), when these two Avengers face each other in "Thor: Ragnarok". Hemsworth stated that he would like to think that Thor let him win during their first encounter in the first "Avengers" film and stated that since this is a "Thor" movie he has to win this time against Ruffalo's character, Yahoo reported.

Ruffalo stated in an interview that Bruce Banner will continue his search for a "cure" during "Thor: Ragnarok" and so far no additional information has been revealed regarding it. Hemsworth added that he hopes Thor and Hulks tandem would be compared to a Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid sort of story and Ruffaloeven teased that Loki (Tom Hiddleston) will be in the film after so many rumors about him not appearing in the third instalment.

The two Avenger members will meet at some point in "Thor: Ragnarok", which leads to an epic battle between the two. Some fans speculated that Thor will require Hulks help in defending his home world of Asgard from the apocalyptic threat of Ragnarok. Some say Thanos will also make an appearance and fight both Avengers for the Tessaract in Asgard, which leads to "Avengers: Infinity War".

In other news, a new villain will be featured in "Thor: Ragnarok" and this time Marvel Studios will introduce the first female villain within phase 3. Several female villainess in the Thor mythos were rumored to join the film such as Amora the Enchantress, Hela Goddess of death, the Warrior Queen Knorda and Karnila.

Comic book fans speculated that Amora could be the perfect choice for "Thor: Ragnarok" due to her complicated relationship with the God of Thunder in the comics, International Business Times reported.

Other characters that were rumored for "Thor: Ragnarok" includes Valkyrie and Vision. The film feature Thor stopping the apocalyptic event called Ragnarok as he finds a way to save his world of Asgard from its destined destruction.

"Thor: Ragnarok" is scheduled to be release on Nov. 3, 2017.

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