'Final Fantasy 7' Remake Rumors: PS4 Launch Date Set For 2017 Likely; Square Enix Tease Dating, Mini-games, Open-world Map Features [VIDEOS]

| Jan 01, 2016 01:40 AM EST

"Final Fantasy VII: Remake" YouTube screengrab image

"Final Fantasy 7" remake will feature more mini-games, open-world map and dating features, as well as a 2017 launch date for the PlayStation 4 console.

Square Enix revealed new game details for "Final Fantasy 7" remake as game director Tetsuya Nomura and producer Yoshiori Kitase discuss their development plans for the game during an interview session. Nomura told Dengeki PlayStation (via Gematsu) that "Final Fantasy 7" remake will be fully voiced, rather than relying on text conversations similar to the original. Nomura added that although they planned to have each character fully voiced they still have not decided on the voices of every character that were not present in "Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children".

Aside from the fully voiced characters, Kitase added that there will be a dating feature for "Final Fantasy 7" remake as he joked about stating that it is impossible not to add one. However, Kitase stated that it is different from the original game and social situation, they needed to implement the reproduction of certain events from the original title carefully.

Square Enix might also be implementing some open-world features for "Final Fantasy 7", although Kitase could not confirmed if he and Nomura will applying the idea. However, Kitase stated that Nomura is working on the game's scenery and they want to express an environment character that affects the scenery.

Both Nomura and Kitase teased more mini-games for "Final Fantasy 7" remake, although they explained that its somewhat limited as Nomura stated that there were a lot of big and small things they need to consider if they will add certain mini-games using the latest technology, while Kitase added that the development staff is still thinking on what to do with the mini-games.

This could explain Square Enix decision on why they planned on making an episodic release for "Final Fantasy 7" remake as it will allow them to preserve much of the game's content and Square Enix can recoup development costs over a period of several years, Gamerant reported.

When asked about the launch date for "Final Fantasy 7" remake, Kitase jokingly answered by saying that he cannot say anything at the moment, while Nomura stated that he is more excited to see "Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8" and "World of Final Fantasy" this year and when these game's are out then they will be able to release new information for the remake.

"Final Fantasy 7" remake is speculated to launch sometime in 2017 for the PS4 as it marks the 20th Anniversary of the beloved sequel.

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