Microsoft is getting cross-platform support for its Xbox players, who would soon be able to play online multiplayer games with gamers on other gaming consoles like PS4, Xbox One and even PC. Game developers targeting Xbox One and Windows 10 can benefit from this feature.
Microsoft had been hinting at the cross-network gameplay feature for years, and now, good news has finally arrived for PlayStation 4, Xbox One and PC gamers. "Rocket League" is coming as one of the introductory titles to support the feature, while other console game makers have also been given "invitation" to join the club, Xbox News reported.
The invitation was definitely a cue to the major console makers like Sony to integrate the feature in their future games and increase the value of their games in a mutual benefit to Microsoft. The game titles that will have the cross-network capability would also allow players to play online games with each other on the aforementioned consoles and PC.
As of now, the console game developers are limited to the network support of PlayStation Network and Xbox Live, and users on the one console cannot play online games with players on the other console. This puts the game enthusiasts at a loss because they are forced to buy consoles most of their friends use.
Cross platform multiplayer gaming on powerful consoles like PS4 and Xbox One will not only bring more users to a common base but also create room for PC gamers. When it comes to the first-person shooter, PC has a clear advantage over other platforms. Likewise, some games are made for consoles for better interactivity, so Microsoft's cross-network feature will also help decide the best platform for various titles.
Microsoft's cross-play opportunity will unite already working PSN and Xbox Live networks, which will be the beginning of a new era: a clash of consoles. The news is great for gamers, but not everyone is benefiting from it.
Sony has sold over 35 million PS4 consoles while Xbox One does not have the lead in the least, Forbes reported.According to the magazine, Microsoft's cross-network offer may not be of great value to Sony, as PS4 is doing very well against Xbox One sales. And the marrying the consoles could steal some market potential away from them.
This video updates on the latest buzz about Microsoft's new announcement.