• Henry Cavill touches Ben Affleck's photo as Batman during the 'Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice' New York Premiere at Radio City Music Hall on March 20, 2016 in New York City.

Henry Cavill touches Ben Affleck's photo as Batman during the 'Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice' New York Premiere at Radio City Music Hall on March 20, 2016 in New York City. (Photo : Getty Images/Nicholas Hunt)

This article will contain spoilers on "Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice."

Zack Snyder has been panned by critics before, but never at this magnitude. "Batman V Superman" has been lambasted by critics and one of the main issues was how Snyder treated Superman, one of comicdom's most beloved characters.

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For those who have seen the movie, it is known that Superman made the ultimate sacrifice in the film to kill Doomsday, impaling himself in the process.

Most comic fans thought that the Doomsday narrative would have been great material for a solo Superman movie. If "BvS" was originally the sequel to "Man of Steel" and the character's most popular storyline has been used (not to mention killing off Jimmy Olsen) would there still be a solo movie for Superman?

Zack Snyder told IGN (h/t/Film) that it is still part of the overall plan.

"I think if we could get a good script it would be great to have a standalone Superman movie. I think that would be fun to do. [...] Part of the reason we haven't announced the standalone Superman movie this time was to support some of the events of this film [Batman v Superman]."

It does take away from the impact of Superman's death in "BvS" if there was a Superman movie scheduled, but it seems like the worst-kept secret that the Man of Steel will return to lead the Justice League.

Producer Charles Roven also stated: "We're in the process of looking at that. But we don't have it on the schedule at the moment because we're quite busy with the movies that we have scheduled."

Henry Cavill also had his two cents, and his take was more realistic.

"I do believe it depends upon the success of this movie. If this goes well, then we can start negotiating with Warner Bros. to develop a standalone Superman, but they've got their plans set out for other stuff and Justice Leagues and various other movies, so it's about finding the time really. It's something I'd be very keen to do."

Cinema Blend took a cynical stance on a Superman sequel and noted that it would be more logical to have a Batman series instead. The Dark Knight simply has more popular storylines and other characters, like the villains in "Suicide Squad" all have connections to him.